
What you want for your courseWhat you need to doWhat students need to do

Create narrated presentation

(for continuous screencapture presentations, see Echo360 PCAP)

Create ungraded VoiceThread link



Watch single VoiceThread
Assign student comment on presentation




Grade VoiceThread comments

Watch assigned VoiceThread


Review instructor feedback

Assign student narrated presentation

Create VoiceThread assignment/wiki/spaces/MAR/pages/14193659

Grade VoiceThreads



Submit VoiceThread assignment

Review instructor feedback

Assign group narrated presentation

Create VoiceThread home link

Create VoiceThread assignment

Grade VoiceThread assignment

Enter manual grade for all group members

Group leader:



Edit VoiceThread


Submit VoiceThread assignment

Review instructor feedback

Group members:

Edit shared VoiceThread


Review instructor feedback

Give students access to course VoiceThreads (to review or comment on peer work)Create VoiceThread course link

Watch VoiceThread from course view

/wiki/spaces/MAR/pages/14189142 (optional)
