- Log into your Blackboard course and navigate to the Item you would like to change.
- Click the Action Link next to the name of the Item.
- Click Adaptive Release on the drop-down menu. This will open the Adaptive Release page.
- Set up a new availability time frame. Please note that the time frame selected for Adaptive Release will still work regardless of the standard availability settings for an item.
- To make the Item available to the Adaptive Release members after a certain date/time, click the checkbox to the left of Display After and then click the calendar icon to select a date and the clock icon to select a time.
- To make the Item unavailable to the Adaptive Release members after a certain date/time, click the checkbox to the left of Display Until and then click the calendar icon to select a date and the clock icon to select a time.
- Set up membership for the adaptive release. This is the students who will be able to view the Item during the adaptive release time frame.
- To add individual students, click the Browse button next to Username. This will open a new window with a list of students. Select the students you would like to add as Adaptive Release members, then click the Submit button.
- To add an entire group, select the group name in the Items to Select box, and then click the arrow to move the group to the Selected Items box.
- Click the Submit button.