When accessing Blackboard for the first time, please do the following to enter the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development Board Member training course:
Step-by-step guide
Open a supported browser, such as Google Chrome
Are you using a supported system? Click here to see if your Browser and Operating System are supportedto find out: https:/en-us.help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student/Getting_Started/Browser_Support/Browser_Checker
Everyone needs the same three pieces of information to gain access to Blackboard:
- The web address of your institution's Blackboard Learn site: https://lhaboardtraining.umassonline.net/
- Your username: Your Registered Email Address
- Your password:
What happens after I log in?
New users see a welcome page that invites them to create a profile. Before you create a profile, you must accept the Blackboard Profiles Terms of Service in the pop-up window. If you don't agree to the terms of service, you won't be granted access to some tools. You can choose to create a profile later.
Existing users see the My Institution tab. From this tab, you can access the courses you're enrolled in or teaching.