When accessing Blackboard for the first time, please do the following to enter the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development Board Member training course:
Step-by-step guide
Step 1: Make sure your computer is ready.
Check to see that your browser (Chrome, Internet Explorere, Firefox) will work for this training. Click the link below and follow the instructions to update your browser if needed.
Are you using a supported system? Click to find out: https:/en-us.help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student/Getting_Started/Browser_Support/Browser_Checker
Everyone needs the same three pieces of information to gain access to Blackboard:
Step 2. Log-in to the training.
Go to your training's homepage: https://lhaboardtraining.umassonline.net/
What happens after I log in?
New users see a welcome page that invites them to create a profile. Before you create a profile, you must accept the Blackboard Profiles Terms of Service in the pop-up window. If you don't agree to the terms of service, you won't be granted access to some tools. You can choose to create a profile later.
Existing users see the My Institution tab. From this tab, you can access the courses you're enrolled in or teaching.Type in your email address and your password, and then click the purple button that says "Click here to Enter"
I forgot my password. How do I reset it?