The following instructions and imagery will guide you through the process of submitting PeerMark Reviews.
1. To begin reviewing another student's assignment, locate the Turnitin assignment in the appropriate content area. Click View Assignment.
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2. Locate the PeerMark icon under Tools. Click on the icon.
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3. In the top left-hand corner or the PeerMarkReview page, click Write Reviews and then click Start a review.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
4. On the review page, click Tools to get access to the various editing functions. The box with the editing tools will pop up when Tools is clicked.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
5. To add comments, click the T in the tool box and then the select the color you would like your comments text to be. Then, click in the text field and type your desired comments. Comments will appear over the assignment's text and in the Comments section on the right side of the window.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
6. Click outside of the comment text field and then hover over the comment text to move, edit or delete comments. Click Edit to edit a previously typed comment. Click the trashcan icon to erase the comment.
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7. Below the text tool, you can click the highlighter tool. Select the desired highlight color and drag highlighter tool over appropriate text. Add a comment regarding your highlight by typing in the Add A Comment box. Click Save to save your comments or Cancel to delete them. Optionally, add various composition marks to your text by clicking on the appropriate mark in the Tools box and placing it in the desired location in the assignment's text field.
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8. When you are ready to submit your peer review, click the Submit button located above the Comments box.
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9. After submitting your review, a Submission Complete window will appear. To return to your assignment inbox, click the Return to Assignment Inbox button.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
10. If you would like to edit the review you have submitted, click the green box under Progress to edit and then resubmit your review.
(Click on the image to enlarge)