Rename Recording - Ultra
Once a Blackboard Collaborate session has been recorded (either by instructor or students), instructors can give the recording a unique name (such as the name of the student presenting), and convert the recording to MP4 video for easy viewing or MP3 audio for listening.
- Under Course Tools in Course Management, click Blackboard Collaborate.
- Use the Date & Time to locate the desired recording. Alternately, you can review the recorded session by clicking on the green play arrow . If you are not seeing the desired recordings, adjust the start and end date, and click Go.
- Click on the recording ActionLink, and select Edit Recording.
(click on images to enlarge them)- Click on the session menu on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra page.
(click on images to enlarge them) (click on images to enlarge them) - Click on the Recording Link, and select your recording of choice.
(click on image to enlarge them) (click on image to enlarge them) - To update the title, and click Edit Name. Enter your recording name of choice and press Save.
(click on image to enlarge them) (click on image to enlarge them)