Blackboard Universal Design Tips
Add Alternative (Alt) Text to Images
Alt text is helpful for assistive screen readers or browsers with images disabled. If a browser can't display the image, the alt text will display instead. If you want to add alt text, use short terms that describe the image and how it relates to your course content. Whenever you insert an image into Blackboard you will have the ability to add the Alt Text as both an Image Description and a title. Once you have added the image, add text to the Image Description and Title text boxes and then click the Insert button. For purely decorative images, use "" as the alternative text. This designation tells screen readers to skip over the image.
Provide Simple, Consistent Navigation
- You can create audio recordings from text files for students using RoboBraille.You can use Video Everywhere and YouTube to create videos with captions for your course. Students also have access to use Video Everywhere to create video responses for Discussion questions.
- You can provide audio feedback to your student for Assignments using BlackBoard's built in grader or using TurnItIn (GradeMark) or the Bb Grader App (only available on iOS devices).Learn more about GradeMark
Creating Exceptions for Exams/Tests/Quizzes
It is essential for students to know that accommodations are available and how to obtain assistance. Below is a sample statement for you to add to your syllabus.
"The University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students. If you have a documented physical, psychological, or learning disability on file with Disability Services (DS) that requires an accommodation, please notify me within the first two weeks of the semester so that we may make appropriate arrangements."
For additional assistance providing accommodations to students with documented disabilities please contact disability services.