- Create a Turnitin assignment
- Go to the assignment, and click View Assignment.
- Click Submissions Inbox to check for student submissions.
- Once you have student submissions, click on the GradeMark pencil of the submission you want to grade. A new GradeMark window or tab will open.
- In the Grademark panel, click on the tiles icon to open the Rubric panel.
- Click on the wrench icon to open the Rubric manager.
- Click on the menu icon in the upper left and choose Create new rubric.
- Give the rubric a name, and populate the rows and columns.
- Use the plus "+" signs to add a new column or row.
- To delete a column or row, hover over it and click on the delete (trash can) icon that appears.
- Click Save.
- Then click the chain-link icon to attach the rubric to this assignment.
- Click Close.
- To grade this submission, click on the appropriate point values for each criterion. Click Apply rubric percentage to grade.
- Future student submissions to this assignment will already have the rubric attached. To grade using the rubric, click on the tiles icon link to open the Rubric panel (see step 5). Be sure to click Apply rubric percentage to grade (see step 14).