Grading Group Assignments
Group assignments can be used to facilitate group presentations, projects, or any kind of assignment where students will be collaborating with each other on a single product. It is important to note that groups must be established prior to assigning group assignments, and that each group member will receive the same grade for the group assignment. Expand a section below for more information on grading a specific type of project.
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title | Group Assignments (Click here to expand...) |
To Grade Group Assignments:From the Needs Grading Page:On the course menu, expand the Grade Center section, and click Needs Grading. On the Needs Grading page, locate the group assignment submission and click on the action link next to the submission. 
Select Grade All Users. On the Grade Assignment page, view the group assignment submission, and enter a grade into the Attempt box and any feedback in the Feedback to Learner textbox. 
Note: Group Members who are not assigned a different individual grade will automatically receive the grade entered in the Attempt box.
To change individual group members' grades, click on the pencil icon next to their name. Enter a new grade and click the green check mark. 
Once you are finished adding grades and feedback, click the Submit button.
From the Full Grade Center:- On the course menu, expand the Grade Center section, and click Full Grade Center.
 - On the Full Grade Center page, scroll to the right to locate the column for the Group Assignment.
- Click on the action link next to a student's submission, and click Group Attempt.

- Note: A "Needs Grading" icon, the yellow exclamation point, will appear next to all group members' names in the Full Grade Center once a submission has been made. When you submit an attempt grade for one student, that grade will appear in all group members' cells for that assignment.
- On the Grade Assignment page, view the group assignment submission, and enter a grade into the Attempt box and any feedback in the Feedback to Learner textbox.

- Note: Group Members who are not assigned a different individual grade will automatically receive the grade entered in the Attempt box.
- To change one group member's grade, click on the pencil icon next to their name. Enter a new grade and click the green check mark.
 - Once you are finished adding grades and feedback, click the Submit button.
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title | Group Blogs (Click here to expand...) |
Grading Group BlogsWhen you assign groups in your course, you are able to set up blogs for each group. Only members of the group can see the blog assigned to them. You can grade group blogs so that every member receives the same grade, or you can grade each member individually, based on their participation. To Grade Group Blogs: - On the Course Menu, expand the Grade Center section, and click on Needs Grading.
- On the Needs Grading page, locate the student's blog submission and click on the Action Link.
Image Added (Click on the image to enlarge) - Click Grade All Users.
- On the Grade Blog page, you can view students' blog participation.
- You are able to enter one grade for all students in the group next to GRADE, or enter grades for each individual student by entering a grade next to the student's name. If a grade is only entered next to GRADE and not next to the student names, all group members will receive that grade.
- Enter any feedback to the learner, then click Submit. This feedback will be visible to all group members.
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title | Group Discussions (Click here to expand...) |
Grading Group DiscussionsWhen you assign groups in your course, you are able to set up discussion boards for each group. Only members of the group can see the discussion board assigned to them. Each member of the group will be graded individually on their contributions to the group discussion board. To Grade Group Discussions:- From the Needs Grading Page:
- On the Course Menu, expand the Grade Center section, and click on Needs Grading.
- On the Needs Grading page, locate the student's discussion submission and click on the Action Link.
 (Click on the image to enlarge) - Click Grade All Users.
- On the Grade Discussion page, you can view the student's discussion post.
- If you would like to reply to the student's post, click Reply. Then, enter your response and click submit.
- Enter a grade for the student's discussion post.
- Click Submit.
 (Click on the image to enlarge)
- From the Full Grade Center:
- On the Course Menu, expand the Grade Center section, and click on Full Grade Center.
- On the Full Grade Center page, scroll to the right to locate the column for the group discussion. Then locate the cell for the student's submission.
- Click on the action link inside the cell for the student's post, and click Grade User Activity.
 (Click on the image to enlarge) - On the Grade Discussion page, you can view the student's discussion post.
- If you would like to reply to the student's post, click Reply. Then, enter your response and click submit.
- Enter a grade for the student's discussion post.
- Click Submit.
 (Click on the image to enlarge)
Please note: Each student is graded individually for group discussion submissions. |
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title | Group Blogs (Click here to expand...) |
Grading Group BlogsWhen you assign groups in your course, you are able to set up blogs for each group. Only members of the group can see the blog assigned to them. You can grade group blogs so that every member receives the same grade, or you can grade each member individually, based on their participation. To Grade Group Blogs: On the Course Menu, expand the Grade Center section, and click on Needs Grading. On the Needs Grading page, locate the student's blog submission and click on the Action Link.
Image Removed (Click on the image to enlarge)Click Grade All Users.On the Grade Blog page, you can view students' blog participation. You are able to enter one grade for all students in the group next to GRADE, or enter grades for each individual student by entering a grade next to the student's name. If a grade is only entered next to GRADE and not next to the student names, all group members will receive that grade.Enter any feedback to the learner, then click Submit. This feedback will be visible to all group members.
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title | Group Journals (Click here to expand...) |
Grading Group JournalsWhen you assign groups in your course, you are able to set up journals for each group. Only members of the group can see the journal assigned to them. You can grade group journals so that every member receives the same grade, or you can grade each member individually, based on their participation. To Grade Group Journals:- On the Course Menu, expand the Grade Center section, and click on Needs Grading.
- On the Needs Grading page, locate the student's journal submission and click on the Action Link.
 (Click on the image to enlarge) - Click Grade All Users.
- On the Grade Journal page, you can view students' journal participation.
- You are able to enter one grade for all students in the group, or enter grades individually, depending on their participation.
- Enter any feedback to the learner, then click Submit.
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title | Group Wikis (Click here to expand...) |
Grading Group WikisWhen you assign groups in your course, you are able to set up wikis for each group. Only members of the group can see the wiki assigned to them. Each member of the group will be graded individually on their contributions to the group wiki. To Grade Group Wikis:- From the Needs Grading Page:
- On the Course Menu, expand the Grade Center section, and click on Needs Grading.
- On the Needs Grading page, locate the student's Wiki submission and click on the Action Link.
 (Click on the image to enlarge) - Click Grade All Users.
- On the Participation Summary page, you can view students' wiki participation.
- You are able to enter one grade for all students in the group, or enter grades individually, depending on their participation.
- Enter any feedback to the learner, then click Submit.
 (Click on the image to enlarge)
- From the Wiki Participation Page:
- On the Course Menu, expand the Tools menu, and click Wikis.
- On the Course Wiki page, click on the Group Wiki title.
- Click on the Participation and Grading in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
 (Click on the image to enlarge) - On the Participation Summary page, you can view the students' participation in the group wiki.
- You are able to enter one grade for all students in the group, or enter grades individually, depending on their participation.
- Enter any feedback to the learner, then click Submit.
 (Click on the image to enlarge)