If you already have i>clicker on your computer, skip to step 3. Otherwise, download the i>clicker for Mac or i>clicker for Windows zip folderClassic Program. We recommend keeping the files on a flash drive for easy mobility between computers.
Unzip the folder to extract all files. If you need, see instructions on extracting files in different operating systems.
In the folder containing your i>clicker files, double click to open the iclicker application.
Click + Create to create a new course. You can have multiple "courses" for each Blackboard course that you are teaching. For example, you may have one course to keep attendance, and another for in-class quizzes.
Enter a course name and click Create.
Now, login to Blackboard Learn, and navigate to your course.
Click Course Tools under Course Management, and select i>clicker Instructor Tools.
Click SSO Security Key.
Click Generate a New Security Key.
Highlight and copy the security key. Take note of the CMS Username. It should match your NetID.
Back in your iClicker application, click Settings.
Select the Gradebook tab.
- Enter "University of Massachusetts Amherst" into the Primary Institution textbox.
Click Select Course.
Enter your username and security key. Check the Save my credentials and automatically log in to my LMS box, and click Log In.
Highlight your desired Blackboard course by clicking on it, and click Select.
Click Save.
Click OK to dismiss the Roster File Not Found dialog box.
Click Open Gradebook.
Click Sync Roster.
Your class roster will now appear. Student names listed in red have not yet registered their i>clickers.