Students may be permitted to either subscribe to an entire forum or to specific threads within a forum. When email subscription is enabled, Blackboard sends out email alerts whenever a new post or a reply to an existing post occurred. The instructor decides whether to have the subscription email contain the text of the post/reply or a link to the post/reply. (NOTE: Individuals decide for themselves when they want to subscribe to a forum or thread. Subscribing does not impact other users in the forum.)
Subscriptions to forums or threads can be enabled either when the forum is first created or when editing [changing] the forum settings.
Choose the appropriate subscription settings.
Subscribe Options:
Click Submit to save your changes.
Information about forwarding Blackboard notifications to a UMass email from the student perspective can be found on the Connecting Blackboard Notifications to UMass Email Student Orientation and Resource page. Please share this resource with your students.