Viewing SafeAssign Originality Reports

When instructors create a SafeAssign assignment, they and their students are able to view the SafeAssign Originality reports.

  1. To view the SafeAssign Originality Report, access the assignment submission through either the Needs Grading Page or Full Grade Center.
    1. Note: To view information on how to grade Assignments, click here: Grading Assignments 
    2. Note: To view information on how to create SafeAssignments, click here: Creating SafeAssignments
  2. On the Grade Assignment Page, you are able to view the overall percentage match for the assignment submission. 

    Grade Assignment Page with SafeAssign Menu option

  3.  Expand the SafeAssign Tab and click View Originality Report to view the detailed report for this assignment.
  4. On the SafeAssign Originality Report, you can view the total percentage match, the matching passages which are highlighted, and the sources for each highlighted passage. 

    SafeAssign Report prototype

  5. Blackboard suggests that the total percentage match be used as a warning or guide for instructors. It is up to you to determine whether or not the student has plagiarized. The following percentages can be used as guidelines:
    1. Scores 15% or below: there is no evidence of plagiarism. 
    2. Scores 15%-40%: there is extensive use of quotes in the paper. Make sure to check each matching passage to make sure it is properly attributed. If not, plagiarism may be involved.
    3. Scores 40% or over: it is probable that the student has plagiarized while writing this paper. Be sure to check over the entire paper for plagiarism and make sure that quoted sections are properly attributed. 
  6. You can print the SafeAssign Originality Report using the print icon at the upper right-hand corner of the report. 
  7. Once you have finished viewing the report, you can close out of the report. 

Information on Turnitin and SafeAssign from the student perspective can be found on the Turnitin & SafeAssign Student Orientation and Resource page. Please share this resource with your students