The following video, instructions, and imagery will guide you through the process of viewing and sending messages in Blackboard Learn.
The Blackboard Learn Messages tool provides instructors and students with an email-like environment that they can use for course communication within Blackboard. Each user is given an account for every course they are enrolled in, and can use these accounts to send and receive messages from their instructor or classmates. UMass email accounts are not used, which provides privacy within the course.
Viewing Messages
1. Click Messages on the Course Menu.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
2. On the Messages page, click Inbox.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
3. Once in your Inbox, click on the message you want to open.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
4. When you are viewing your message, you have options to reply to the message's sender, forward to message to another user, or delete it.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
1. Click Messages on the Course Menu.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
2. On the Course Messages page, click on Create Message.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
3. Click To and select the users you would like to send your message to. Multiple users can be selected at once by holding down the shift key.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
4. Click on the right-facing arrow to add individuals to the Recipients column.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
5. After the person you want to send a message to is in the Recipient column, type in a subject for your message.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
6. In the body of the content editor, type your message. If you need to add an attachment, click on Browse to search your computer for the file you want to share.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
7. When your message is complete, click on the Submit button to send it to the recipient.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
NOTE: Students and instructors cannot receive or send emails externally using the Messages Tool. Students and instructors must routinely check the Messages Tool in Blackboard to check for new messages, or set up notifications to alert them to new messages.