YouTube My Webcam Video Instructions for Nursing 690M Interview Assignment

YouTube My Webcam Video Instructions for Nursing 690M Interview Assignment

YouTube My Webcam (record a video)

If you have a webcam built into or connected to your computer, you can record a webcam video on YouTube and upload it directly to YouTube. 

Instructions for recording your video from your webcam:
  1.  Turn your webcam on (if necessary).

  2. Open a web browser on your computer and go to https://www.youtube.com/.
  3. Click the Sign in button.

  4. In the Enter Your Gmail email address text box enter umassnursing690m@gmail.com and click the Next button.
  5. Enter umassnursing in the Password text box and click the Sign In button.
  6. Go to http://www.youtube.com/my_webcam to get started.
  7. Select Allow if you're asked to permit YouTube to access your camera and microphone. 
  8. Click the Close button to begin recording your video.
  9.  When you have finished recording your video click Stop recording.

  10. After you've recorded the video, you can preview it by clicking the Play button. If you are not satisfied with the video just click the Start over button below the video. 

  11. Click Continue.

  12. Click Videos on the Video Manager menu.
  13. Enter the Info and Settings for your video. (Be sure to include your first and last name at the end of the title of your video.)

  14. Locate your video in the list of Videos and click on the title of your video.

  15. Click on Share. 
  16.  Select the link and copy it.
  17. Go to your Blackboard course and share the link in the appropriate location (i.e. Discussion Forum or Assignment).