Submit to Turnitin on Behalf of a Student

Submit to Turnitin on Behalf of a Student

Submit to Turnitin on Behalf of a Student

Turnitin allows instructors to submit work on behalf of students. This is convenient if you want to do a quick originality check on a suspected paper or if a student is experiencing technical difficulties. However, we recommend that whenever possible, students submit their own work. Prior to submitting a Turnitin assignment students must check a box next to the following notice: "In submitting this work I confirm that this submission is my own work and I accept all responsibility for any copyright infringement that may occur as a result of this submission". This adds a layer of responsibility to student submissions. 
  1. Click View Assignment
    View Assignment link under assignment
  2. Select the Submit tab. 
    Submit tab under assignment
  3. Select the Student Name from the drop down menu, add a Submission Title, and select the assignment Submission Part.
    Select student name, submission title and part
  4. Click Choose File to browse for the student submission. 
    Choose File button
  5. Click Submit Paper
    Submit Paper button
  6. You will receive confirmation of your action at the top of the screen. 
    Paper Successfully Submitted

Note: Turnitin currently accepts the following file types:

  • Microsoft Word® (DOC and DOCX) format files
  • Corel WordPerfect® format files
  • HTML files
  • Adobe PostScript® format files
  • Plain text (TXT) files
  • Rich Text Format (RTF) files, and 
  • Portable Document Format (PDF) files

There are also file-size limitations, as well as a requirement that all PDF files must contain at least some text.  For a  current list of file types, sizes, and submission limitations, see the: Instructor User Manual.

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