Spell Checking

Spell Checking

  1. Click the spell checker function to turn the spell check function on. If it has been selected, it will be a darker grey.
    Spell checker function turned on, dark gray
    (Click on the image to enlarge)
  2. If there are spelling mistakes in your text, you will see a red wavy underline under your misspelled word. Right-click the underlined word.
    Red wavy line under misspelled words
    (Click on the image to enlarge)
  3. Once you have right-clicked the word, a list of suggested words will appear. You may either click one of the suggested words or choose to ignore the word or all of the words that have been flagged as misspelled.
    Right click, select correct spelling or ignore on menu
    (Click on the image to enlarge)
  4. If you have clicked one of the spell check's suggested words, the suggested word will replace the misspelled word and the red wavy underline will disappear.
    Suggested word having replaced the misspelled word

    (Click on the image to enlarge)
  5. To disable the spell check, click the spell check function.
    Click spell check icon to disable
    (Click on the image to enlarge)
  6. Once the spell check has been turned off, the spell check function will be a lighter shade of grey and no red wavy lines will appear.
    Spell checker function turned off, lighter gray, no wavy red lines

    (Click on the image to enlarge)