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Upload video and


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class using Mashups

Adding Videos to Echo360

  1. Click on the Lecture Videos menu link within your Blackboard course.
    Blackboard Lecture Videos menu link.
  2. Click the Echo360 logo on the left side of the page.
    Blackboard course Echo360 logo.
  3. Click the Upload button on the left side of the page.
    Echo360 student menu.  Upload button.
  4. In the popup window, click Select Files to Upload, and navigate to a file on your computer that you would like to upload.
    Echo360 upload window.  Select Files to Upload button.
    Alternatively, click My Device, and select an alternate file saving program.
    Echo360 alternative upload options including Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive Business, and Box.
  5. After selecting your file, click Upload in the lower right of the popup.
    Echo360 upload video Upload button.

Sharing Echo360 Videos in a Discussion Post with Mashups

  1. Click on the Discussions menu link within your Blackboard course.
    Blackboard course Discussions menu link
  2. Click on the title of a discussion forum.
    Blackboard Discussion Board forum link.
  3. Click Create Thread on the left side of the page.
    Blackboard discussion forum Create Thread button.
  4. In the Subject text box, add a subject for your discussion post.
    Blackboard create discussion post page.  Subject text box.
  5. Click on the Mashups button in the Visual Text Editor.
    Blackboard discussion post Visual Text Editor.  Mashups button.
  6. Click Echo360 Video Library.
    Blackboard create new discussion post.  Visual Text Editor Mashups option.  Mashups option ssinclude Basic LTI Tools, Echo360 Video Library, Flickr Photo, SlideShare Presentation, YouTube Video, and Dropbox.
  7. Click on the video you want to add.
    Echo360 video library.
  8. Using the dropdown menu, select a video size.
    Echo360 select size of uploaded video.  Select from Link, 640x360, 853x480, or 1280x720.
  9. Click Insert.
    Echo360 adda video to a discussion post.  Insert button.
  10. Add text in the Visual Text Editor as needed.
  11. Click Submit to submit your video discussion post.
    Blackboard discussion post Submit button.