- Use Microsoft PowerPoint (available free using the following link: https://www.umass.edu/it/softwareDownload Microsoft PowerPoint)
- In PowerPoint, prepare your presentation slides. Include speaker notes for every slide. You can find Instructions for adding speaker notes using the following link https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-speaker-notes-to-your-slides-26985155-35F5-45BA-812B-E1BD3C48928E. Instructions for Adding Speaker Notes.
- For this assignment you will submit the PowerPoint file and share it in the discussion forum as an attachment.
- In PowerPoint, prepare your presentation slides and then record the audio for your slide show. Here are instructions for recording your slide show with audio https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0B9502C6-5F6C-40AE-B1E7-E47D8741161C. Instructions for Recording Your Slide Show Audio.
- For this assignment you will need to export your presentation as a video and share it through Google Drive.
- You will need to submit the link to both the assignment and discussion forum and answer questions.
- UMass Apps- Google Slides (available free using the following link https://www.umass.edu/it/googleapps.Access Google Apps)
- Use Google Slides to prepare your presentation slides. Include speaker notes for every slide. You can find Instructions for adding speaker notes using the following link https://support.google.com/docs/answer/1696787?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform=Desktop How to use Google Slides
- For this assignment you will export the presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF file and submit it, or you can submit a link to the presentation in Google Drive. Be sure to share the link or file as an attachment in the discussion forum and be prepared to answer questions.
- Use Google Slides to prepare your presentation slides and then record the audio for your presentation. Here are instructions for recording your slide show with audio https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/how-to-insert-audio-in-google-slides-step-by-step/. How to use Google Slides
- For this assignment you will need to share the presentation in Google Drive and submit the link for the assignment. Also, share the link in the discussion forum and be prepared to answer questions.
- Use Zoom.
- You can learn more about using Zoom and how to access it using the following link https://www.umass.edu/it/zoom.Access Zoom and User Guides
- Hold a live presentation in Zoom during your regularly scheduled class time and answer questions from live participants. If you choose this method, communicate when you are going to hold the live session so that classmates can be notified in advance. For this assignment you will need to record the session and submit the link for the assignment and share the link in the discussion forum and answer questions.
- Record a presentation in Zoom. For this assignment you will need to record the session and submit the link for the assignment and share the link in the discussion forum and answer questions.