Test Setup Best Practices
Test Setup Best Practices
This is a set of best practice suggestions for setting up a test in Blackboard Learn. For more detailed assistance with any of the settings please contact the eLearning instructional design team at facline@umass.edu.
- In the Tests content area, create an Item to inform students when the test is scheduled to open (students do not see unavailable content). You can also use this space to provide other relevant instructions.
- Deploy the test in the Tests content area. This gives student easy access for taking tests and reviewing their work. See instructions for creating your test.
- Set the test options as you deploy the test or edit the options at any time by clicking on the Action Link of the deployed test, and selecting Edit the Test Options.
- Test Information:
- Add instructions or descriptive text to the Content Link Description.It will appear under the test link in the area where it is deployed.
- Students will only see the description once the link is available.
- Test Description and Test Instructions: If you had entered information in the Test Description and Test Instructions fields while setting up the test, check the Show to students before they begin the test boxes to make the content available.
- Text will appear on a screen just before students begin the test and while the test is in progress.
- Add instructions or descriptive text to the Content Link Description.It will appear under the test link in the area where it is deployed.
- Test Availability:
- Make sure that Make available the students is set to Yes. This will allow for the test to open automatically on the specified date.
- If you wish your students to take the test once, leave the Multiple Attempts box un-checked.
- Leave the Force Completion box un-checked. In the case of a network disruption, this allows students to re-enter the test and resume their work.
- Check the Set Timer box. Enter the desired test duration plus an additional 10 minutes. This gives students with network disruptions sufficient time to complete their work. All work is time stamped, so you will see the total amount of time used. Set Auto-Submit to ON so that the tests automatically submit once the time has run out. Students see the timer setting before they begin the test.
- Set the date and time when you want the test to open in the Display After field. Leave the Display Until box un-checked.
- Make sure that Make available the students is set to Yes. This will allow for the test to open automatically on the specified date.
- Due Date: Set the date and time when you want the test to close in the Due Date field. Check the box Do not allow students to start the Test if the due date has passed.
- Show Test Results and Feedback to Students: From the When drop down menu, select After Due Date. Check all of the feedback option boxes to provide the most complete feedback to students.
- Test Presentation: select All at Once to present the entire test on one screen. Check the Randomize Questions box (note: if your questions must be in a pre-determined order do not check the Randomize Questions box).
- Test Information:
- Create a course link to the test in the appropriate weekly content folder or learning module.