Working In Groups

Working In Groups

The following video, images, and instructions will guide you through the process of working in groups in Blackboard Learn.

Working In Groups

Your instructor has to set groups in your course before students are able to access them.

If your instructor has set groups in your course, an option on your course menu appears called My Groups.

1. Click on My Groups to expand the menu. 

Course Menu with My Groups header circled
(Click on the image to enlarge)

2. Click the arrow next to the title of your group name to access the tools menu. Some tools may not be available, depending on how the instructor has set up the group.

Highlighted arrow next to group name on course menu
(Click on the image to enlarge)

3. The group homepage includes group tools such as journals, blogs, wikis, file exchange, discussion boards, and links to group assignments. Click on the title of a tool under the group tools menu to access particular groups tools.

Group Tools Menu
(Click on the image to enlarge)

Group Tools:

Once you have accessed your group homepage, a list of group tools is located under the group description and group member list. You will find a listing of all group tools below. If you do not see one or more of these tools in your group tool listing, it is because your instructor has chosen not to utilize it.

  1. Collaboration: Meet classmates and moderators for real-time discussion or class lessons.
  2. File Exchange: Share files with Group members.
  3. Group Blog: Create Blog entries that are shared with your Group members.
  4. Group Discussion Board: Discuss topics with only group members.
  5. Group Journal: Keep a Journal about your Group activities that the instructor can review.
  6. Group Tasks: Keep track of Group tasks.
  7. Group Wiki: Build out shared content in the form of linked Web pages.
  8. Send Email: Send email to one or all of their group members.

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