Check Student Access to Blackboard

Check Student Access to Blackboard

There is a quick way in Blackboard to check when students last accessed the system. 

  1. Click Grade Center in the Course Management section of the course menu. 
    Grade center option circled
  2. Select Full Grade Center. 
    Full grade center option highlighted
  3. You will see a Last Access column, indicating the date when students last accessed the course. If the cell for a particular student is blank, he/she has never accessed. For more details on student performance and system access see information on the Retention Center or watch the brief video. 
    Last access list, with clickable links for each date
  4. If you do not see a Last Access column, it may be hidden. Hover over Manage, and select Column Organization. 
    Manage dropdown menu, column organization circled
  5. You will see that Last Access is grayed out and has the word hidden in parentheses. 
    Last access menu grayed out
  6. Check the box next to Last Access. 
    Last accessed box checked
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page, hover over Show/Hide, and select Show Selected Columns. 
  8. Click Submit. 
    Submit button circled
  9. You will now see the Last Access column. For more details on student performance and system access see information on the Retention Center or watch the brief video. 

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