Create Forum Links for Group Discussions

Create Forum Links for Group Discussions

Create Forum Links for Group Discussions

You can place direct links to a specific group discussion board forum in a Blackboard Learn content area, folder, or learning module.

  1. Access the desired group discussion board. 
  2. Right-click on the forum link, and select Copy Link Location
    Create forum dropdown menu with Copy Link Location circled
  3. Access the content area, folder, or learning module where you would like to place the link. Hover over Build Content, and select Web Link

    Build Content Menu with web link option circled
  4. Enter a name for the link, and paste the URL of the link location you had copied. 

    Web link entry form
  5. Select for the Web Link to open in the same window, and click Submit. 
    Web link menu and submit option
  6. You will now see the web link to the forum. Note that all students will be able to see the link, but students not enrolled in the group will receive an error message when trying to access the forum. You can use Adaptive Release if you wish to restrict who is able to view the link. 
    Group discussion web link