Hiding an "External Grade" Grade Center column from Students
Hiding an "External Grade" Grade Center column from Students
Hiding an "External Grade" Grade Center column from Students
- Open the Grade Center menu in your Course Menu and click Full Grade Center.
- Navigate to the column you would like to hide using the horizontal scroll bar. If the column has a green check mark next to the name, it is set as the âexternal gradeâ and will be exported to spire at the end of the course. If the column does not have the check mark, follow the instructions to Hide a Grade Center Column from Students.
- Click the Action Link next to the name of the column.
- Click Edit Column Information in the drop-down menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Edit page to the Options section. Select the No bubble next to Show this column to students.
- Click the Submit button in the bottom-right of the window.
- The column is now hidden. Columns that are not visible to students have an icon to the left of the columnâs name showing a circle with a red slash.
- To make the column visible to students, open the action link menu and click Edit Column Information, then change Show this column to students under Options to Yes.