Creating a Journal Entry

Creating a Journal Entry

The following video, images, and instructions will guide you through the process of creating a journal entry.

Quick Steps: Creating a Journal Entry

1. Click on the title of the journal.

Journal title clickable link
(Click on the image to enlarge)

2. Click on the Create Journal Entry button on the Action Bar.

Create Journal entry button 
(Click on the image to enlarge) 

3. Type a journal entry title.

Journal entry title entry field
(Click on the image to enlarge)

4. Type your journal entry using the content editor. Optionally, include any multimedia, images, etc. 

Type in journal entry 
(Click on the image to enlarge) 

5. Optionally, attach a file to your journal entry by clicking Browse My Computer and selecting the appropriate file. 

Attach files via Browse My Computer 
(Click on the image to enlarge) 

6. When you are ready to post your entry, click Post Entry.  

Post Entry button 
(Click on the image to enlarge) 

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