Student's Discussion Forum Shows as In Progress or Needs Grading
Student's Discussion Forum Shows as In Progress or Needs Grading
Student's Discussion Forum Shows as In Progress or Needs Grading
Why does my student's discussion forum show up as In Progress?
The Discussion forum is not setup to show in Needs Grading, and student has completed at least one posting.
The Discussion forum is setup to show in Needs Grading and student completed at lease one post, but not the total number of required posts (3 in example shown below).
What should I do?
 Open the Discussion Forum and Click the Grade Discussion Forum button.
Why does my student's discussion forum show as Needs Grading?
- The Discussion Forum is setup to display in Needs Grading after X number of posts and the student has completed X number of posts.
What should I do?
Open Needs Grading, Grade the User's Attempt for the Discussion, and save the grade.
Information about viewing discussion board grades from the student perspective can be found on the Viewing Discussion Board Grades Student Orientation and Resource page. Please share this resource with your students.
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