Reviewing PeerMark Feedback

Reviewing PeerMark Feedback

The following instructions and imagery will guide you through the process of reviewing PeerMark feedback.

1. To review PeerMark feedback for your Turnitin assignment, locate the assignment and click View Assignment.

(Click on the image to enlarge) 

2. On the Submissions Inbox page, click the title of the assignment you submitted. This will be located in the box titled Paper title / author.

Reviewing PeerMark Feedback, submitted assignment title circled
(Click on the image to enlarge)

3. To view feedback from your peers, click the PeerMark option.

Reviewing PeerMark Feedback, PeerMark option circled
(Click on the image to enlarge)

4. To view a list of comments from peers, click on the three-bar icon (circled in image below) located at the bottom of the Reviews box.    

Reviewing PeerMark Feedback, three-bar icon circled
(Click on the image to enlarge)

5. When this is clicked, any comments made by your peer reviewers will appear in the box titled Comments List

Reviewing PeerMark Feedback, comments box highlighted
(Click on the image to enlarge)

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