Creating Threads In A Discussion Forum

Creating Threads In A Discussion Forum

The following video, instructions, and imagery will guide you through creating threads in a discussion forum.

If your instructor has allowed it, students are able to create new threads in a discussion forum. There are many settings that can control options like who is allowed to post, if students are allowed to edit their posts, if students are allowed to post anonymously, or if students are allowed to rate threads. 

Creating Threads

1. Access the appropriate discussion forum via the Discussion Board link on course menu or via weekly/unit content folders. To learn how to access the Discussion Board, visit the Accessing Discussions & Viewing Discussion Threads page.

2. Once you have entered a particular forum, click Create Thread to start a new thread.

Create Thread tab under Forum
(Click on the image to enlarge)

3. On the Create Thread page, type a subject. 

Thread title entry field
(Click on the image to enlarge)

4. Type your post in the message box using the content editor. 

Enter thread post text in content editor
(Click on the image to enlarge)

5. Optionally, attach a file by clicking Browse My Computer. Select the file, you would like 

Browse My Computer button to add media
(Click on the image to enlarge)

6. To post the thread, click Submit.

Submit button
(Click on the image to enlarge)